The New Hive is an adult text-based gay monster game. Travel across the great desert, explore the ruined wasteland, transform yourself, meet big monsters, have sex.

The game is complete and contains roughly 360k words of text in total. It's very sexually explicit; there's a content listing in the game itself, from the title screen.

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(198 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsAdult, Erotic, Gay, LGBT, Monsters, NSFW, Queer, Text based, transformation
Average sessionAbout a half-hour


hive-1.0e.html 1.8 MB
hive-1.1c_dl.html 2.3 MB

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is the game being worked on still

Hey i came here after deep withen the forest loved but couldn't play it too well , i am looking forward to play this game tho


Good game but very bad to walk around, i suggest a minimap and more starter top scenes


I like this game a lot, is it still getting updated

I dont know because the Discord link doesnt work and the patreon page is under review


i'm planning on releasing a 1.2 update at some point, but i'm not actively working on it right now, so don't expect anything any time soon.


I love this game! It's definitely a cool universe to explore, but I'm having so much trouble getting the city humans to do more than shout at me :( 

That's my own skill issue tho, so it's not really a complaint haha.


Hi! I just wanted to say you're doing a good job with this game-- a few of the kinks in it are not exactly my own, but the game play is so interesting and the writing so well done I still very much enjoy it :) 

I hope you update in the future but I know that's hard when it's not your day job


This game is rly something. Good writing and detailed, figurative notation.

In this aspect its better than a lot of other games here on

But the missing visuals and the kind of not existing red line probably scares away most of potential enjoyers.

Do you ever thought about a reinterpretation of the game with Godot or Ren'Py?

i've thought about adding character images to this version, or doing other things to add visual appeal, but the main issue with that is that character portraits cost money, to the tune of at least $1k for portraits for all the major characters, & that's not even getting into any kind of scene CGs. i just don't have the budget for anything like that, unfortunately.


Jup, that's a big problem for a small developer. 

A possible (maybe temporary) solution would be Stable Diffusion. Just be clear about the use of it and negative feedback should be imperceptible.

If you don't know what to expect just check here:

... and it can also create nsfw stuff ;)


tbh, given the profoundly negative response so much AI art gets, and the ethical issues with training data, and its inability to do things like "replicate an original character's physical features between separate prompts", it really doesn't seem worth it to try to generate AI-generated character sprites, much less attempt any kind of CG art.


Thank you! I was definitely not going to be interested in playing this game had it included ai images. If you can't afford it, there's no need to add it. Ai "art" is in no way a form of art. For, a robot cannot truly ever replicate human emotions and hardwork.  However, there are quite a lot of people nowadays who draw great art with low expense commissions. So if you ever think you have the time or money for that, maybe you can contact an professional 

How do I know which download to use?


you should download 1.1; the 1.0 download is just available for historical reasons

cool stuff

I love what you've done with this game and keep up the good work! Will we be seeing any more updates for this game or are you finished with it?


i do have some scattered notes & a dev build for a "1.2" version, but it's not something i'm actively working on right now. the game might see future updates, but don't hold your breath.


how do u get back to town, I have been going in circles and getting stuck. tried following the direction of where town was and still can get to it


Played for a while now, mostly running in circles exploring with the ocasional random event here and there (couldn't for the life of me keep a mental map of where what was where, hence the loop) but i got a few scenes here and there that i thought was pretty neat.

Gonna play more later for sure, quite well written, i see you evolved your writting a lot since hellgame, which is great.

hope to see more updates too, you make simple, but very well crafted games, and as far as i know, the smoother and simpler something looks on the surface the more backbreakingly difficult it was to make, hell, just try to make a perfect circle with a pencil.

had a bit of trouble with some text at the start that was a bit confusing, but i think its a me problem.

love your work, keep going!  (  'w')-b

(1 edit) (+1)

Tbh when i first found this a while ago i thought it was dead xd

really like it tho and tbh i wish you could... i guess say romance brulvundojn

so if you accidently click the "load game" button you have to go back to the main menu and lose a bunch of progress. either that or im missing a button somewhere. other than that i really like the game and the writing. Also, another bug i found is when giving lightrot to the Titan alchemist guy, he actually doubles the amount youre carrying instead of taking them

whoops! yeah, i guess hitting the back button in the browser would normally work to get out of a situation like that, but not if you're playing inside itch's frame. anyway, i fixed both of those in the draft so when i get around to releasing 1.2 those'll both be fixed. glad you like it despite those bugs V:

How do you dejunk your inventory? Also, I still don't understand where to find /make iron rods & cables.


you can't actually throw anything out, though i guess i could see why you might want to do that. iron rods you can dig up in several places, but maybe the most identifiable are the two 'rust desert' sectors just north and south of brulvundojn's lair.

cables... so this is actually something i've patched in the current (still-unreleased) version, but currently you can only dig up frayed cables in one place: those same two rust desert sectors, randomly mixed in with a bunch of other stuff. you can dig up ancient resin at the tree or at either of the two canyon locations. you can dig up worn wires a bunch of places, but most easily from directly south of yapu. using those you can craft cables in your workshop.

(there's not a lot of guidance for any of these and probably in a later version i'd want to add people telling you about digging locations for various items, or track which things you've dug up where and tell you, or something like that.)


i wait for your next project patiently, mb make a patreon?!


i actually already have a patreon, though i haven't really done a lot with it for the past several, uh, years. at some point i'll probably get invested in another big game project, but idk when really


this is a great game wish there was a mini map so i can see where im going lol


yeah, if i was doing this all over again from scratch i'd probably do the worldmap as an actual map or something, to make it a little more legible. oh well!

oh i got lost like three times in a row lol so i gave up but i did like the game

How does someone (me) get the military guys (military guys) out of the camp?

hi there,  having a bit of trouble finding shredded tire  ;;  at a loss on which areas should i be searching at


you can get shredded tires at the concrete highway -- that's the place with the description "The desert here is shaped by an ancient roadway, with crumbling concrete overpasses forming hills or hollows, and long sinuous curves of highway now cliffs and arches in their ruined state. Giant chunks of ancient masonry dot the landscape, as natural as a rock bluff to the insects and birds that live here."


I just wanted to leave a comment and say that this game is amazingly written and fun; I wish you luck on future projects!


hey, thank you! i'm glad you enjoyed and i'll definitely have some new stuff to post, uh, at some point :V

Como posso ajudar na tradução desse jogo que eu gosto muito??


unfortunately twine doesn't really have any built-in internationalization/translation support, so any kind of translation would basically have to be a completely parallel game. like, i'm not opposed to coding it, that's the easy part, but it would be translating something like 300k words, so it's not super practical


I know this game is kinda old, but I just wanna say I love it so much! I'm weirdly in love with the scraping/crafting system more than the smut lmao. I do wish it had a visible map though as its hard to find certain materials when you can't find the right areas. On the off chance, you see this do you have a pic of what the grid looks like? Love your ao3 work btw.


thank you! yeah the material accumulation part of the whole 'crafting mechanic' could use some work; it's kind of fiddly to actually use.

there's a weird little ASCII-art diagram of the world map in the walkthrough section. prior to 1.1, the world map was a 7x7 square with the corners missing; the 1.1 patch added three more rooms in the southeast, so now it's kind of lopsided.


I got( can't find matching endif) when i was going down with Pthuul when we were


the descriptions and worldbuilding in this game r absolutely gorgeous. a real treat :]

(1 edit)

Is it possible that we may be getting an update on this game.

Have you heard anything from unrulydogboy about Demitransference and when he might be bringing it back.


i have a bugfix update more-or-less ready but in terms of new content, probably not for a while/ever; i'm working on other stuff right now.

afaik, unrulydogboy took demitransference down for personal reasons and i have no clue if he ever intends on reuploading it anywhere.

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+3)

no, it's just tracking currently. i had considered letting the player retrigger sex scenes, but since a lot of them depend on a whole host of variables (not just pc transform state, but all sorts of other gameplay variables) it would be kind of a mess to actually replicate the sex scene as you saw it.

there uh, is something like a way to revisit any scene in the game though, but it's more of an easter egg/debug option: on the title screen, there's a nearly-invisible pi symbol at the bottom, just to the right of the left margin bar (hitting ctrl+a to select all text will make it show up easier). click on that to get to the debug options, and then click on the EVERY PASSAGE IN THE GAME link. from there you can ctrl+f to the passage title (or character name or w/e else) for any given sex scene, most of which are the same as the text for the sex scene in the sex scene list. but since that doesn't track pc tf state, some things might be different than when you actually triggered that scene ingame


would be nice to see some pics of what the game is about ya know....


yeah, probably, but i figured since the game is 100% text, no images, and roughly 90% of that text is very explicit pornography it would be difficult to really get any screenshots that conveyed much of any meaning.


i guess but still seeing the story would help people decide if they want to download it or not

Finally coming back to this to play updates, and I'm actually struggling with the  squad, this time. Is it just me, or is the stress point threshold for the altercation less than the minimum required for Agares and Leraje to be in exile, plus having Raven, Max, and Rook stay?

IIRC, i lowered the threshold by a point or two, and i no longer know if it's still possible to get a 'perfect hand' of everybody staying + everybody else available as exiles. part of this was because there's actually more content for exiling characters than having them stay in the village, since raven and max also have their own exile recruitment sidequests, whereas generally once somebody stays they just kind of vanish from the game. plus a bunch of people complained about it being very difficult to 'win' at all.

(the ideal solution would just be to add in more village content for all the characters, but, well, that's a lot of content.)


Just wondering but when might we see an update to the game.

probably not for a while! i'm working on other projects right now, & while i have an outline for a '1.2' patch i'm not working on it at all and i have no immediate plans to work on it in the near future.

Just wanted to explain the reason I make so many suggestions is because I love the game you're making I love how it's progressing and the suggestions are just to give you ideas and knowing that I might have had a hand in helping it grow and helping it progress and helping you and seeing the product of it would be more than enough in what I have seen to make me happy. PS you do not have to give me any kind of credit in the story or in the credits for the fact seeing it grow is what I am looking for.

Potentially in the next update you could update the walk through as well staining where to find the cables which are needed to create the first item for the second Town character you can't even complete their initial thing to continue on with what they do because I have searched the whole map and I have yet to find the cables that are needed to create the wires.

I cannot find the '' fried cables'' either , i think he's supposed to give them to you? Or maybe we have to find them through some events ?

Also there is a small bug ( i don't know if anyone talked about this already , if anyone did I apologize for being redundant ) when you give lightrot to Ophion it sometimes multiplies the number held by 2 each time , easily getting to 2048 within a few iterations , consequently showing your funny message , asking '' how did we even get to gain so much'' :D.

Once again let me tell you how amazing you are  , i wish you the best of luck. 

Can you post an older ver

Doesn’t work on my shitty iPhone 6 anymore :-:

(Wow it feels weird commenting on a nsfw game)

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Is there a walkthrough?

yup, on the title page. it's not 100% complete but it covers how to reach most things

(4 edits)

Hi, it seems it's possible to go "out of bounds" of the map with this error: <<display>> bad expression: can't access property "where", gameMap[state.history[0].variables._i] is undefined

It happens when I use WASD movement and hitting any "wall" of the map, for example pressing A(west) on the brulvundojn's den map tile. But, the thing is, I can't go there if I use scavenge option or talk with brulvundojn, meaning I need to go one tile away (east for example) and go left two times to trigger this "out of bounds" tile map and error. I use Firefox if it makes any difference.

huhh, yeah, i see what you mean. it seems to be timing-based, where if you move during the scene transition it uses the prior cell's directional state instead of the current cell's. presumably while twine is doing the transition both passages are loaded and so my code grabs the wrong copy, or something.

well thanks for the bug report; i'll see if i can fix this one!

(1 edit)

okay so i finally got around to fixing this one! 1.1c should fix it (at the cost of slowing down overworld movement, since you have to wait for the transition to finish now)

fun fact if you go out of bounds directly north from the town, you can reach all the cut content that originally made up the latter half of the game. i was not expecting my hyperlink text adventure game to have OOB glitch to access cut content but that's gamedev! :V

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Where's ophion?

I found him once but I can't find him again. 

his tent moves around randomly between some of the tiles on the northwest of the map, in a horizontal line across the very northern edge

What's the the purple part of the mutation bar for?

they're counting the 'animal' mutations, as opposed to the 'ĝheist' ones which are yellow. the vast majority of mutations are ĝheist, though, so it's entirely possible to play through the entire game and not get a single new 'animal' mutation.

how do I get those?


there's brief explanations for how to get various tfs in the 'walkthrough' section on the title page; the ones marked as 'animal' in the code are 'knotted dog dick', 'six nipples', and 'coarse fur across your forearms and calves'.


OMG!!!! I had thought this wasn't going to be continued ... I'm so glad !

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